Thursday, September 5, 2013

12 Months = 1 Year!!

Wow!  I can't believe I'm writing Graham's 12 month post!  What a year it has been!

 Stats: We had a great Dr.'s appointment this morning!

Weight: 23 lbs 4.5 oz 79%
Height: 32 in 99%
Head circumference: 19 in 95%

 Milestones: Graham has perfected his walking and is now even running!  But this results in a lot more spills because he gets going too fast and is too excited and just trips over his feet!  But he ALWAYS just picks himself up and keeps on going!  Not much can slow him down!  Another HUGE milestone is that Graham didn't get sick this entire first year.  He only had a cold off and on in January and February, but we didn't have to make a single sick visit to the Dr. and he didn't have any antibiotics.  What a praise!  Graham can follow simple one step commands.  He will bring us a certain toy if we ask for it, walk to his room when we say, "Let's change your diaper," will head straight to the bath tub when we ask if he's ready for a bath at night, and I can give him some of his food and tell him to take it to the table, and he does!  It's amazing how much he is comprehending right now!  He also has lots of funny tricks!  So big, superman, sic 'em, clapping, bouncing, dancing...we are always trying to get him to do something else new and funny, more for our entertainment! :)

 Behavior: Graham is an easy-going, laid back but BUSY BUSY BUSY boy!  He is always on the move, but is up for doing whatever as long as he's around other people!  He is Mr. Social and always loves when we play with friends, going to the church nursery, or just waving hi at everybody at HEB.  But Graham has definitely formed more of an opinion and is willing to express it lately!  We've had a few "fits" and meltdowns when he can't do what he wants.  Graham still LOVES to cuddle at times, which I hope he never grows out of!  He plays so well independently, but then he'll come find me, crawl in my lap for a minute, and then go right back to playing!

 Sleep: Graham goes down about 8:00 at night and sleeps until about 7:30 in the mornings.  He and I finally dropped the early morning bottle.  He still tends to wake up around that time and play in his crib for about 30 minutes before going back to sleep.  I used to always just go give him a bottle in hopes that we could both sleep a little later! :)  We have almost officially moved to just one nap a day.  All last week he went down about 12:30 and slept until 3.  But there have been a couple of mornings where he can't stay awake past 9:45 so we still take 2 naps about an hour and 15 minutes each.  

 Clothes: Graham is wearing 12 month and 12-18 month clothes.  We don't have many shorts and short sleeve tops that fit well anymore, but I refuse to buy any more summer clothes in hopes that SOMEDAY soon we will have some cooler temps! :)  Pajamas are 12 and 18 months.  He is wearing size 4 diaper in both regular and overnight.  His shoe size is 4.5 and 5.  His little feet have grown so fast!

 Food: This is a work in progress.  Our Dr. gave us some good tips today to help Graham with some texture issues in hopes that he will be open to trying more foods.  He usually eats yogurt, oatmeal and fruit for breakfast.  Lunch is applesauce and a veggie.  Snack is a fruit.  And dinner is black beans and veggies.  His favorite is still ice cream! :)  We are in the process this week of switching over to whole milk.  He should be completely there on Sunday.  Some days he loves his sippy cup but others he wants nothing to do with it.  

 Likes: swimming/water, singing and dancing, being outside (this has become a fight because it is so stinkin' hot and he just stands and bangs on the door wanting to go out!), playing with friends, eating ice cream, toys that move or play music, reading books - the one thing I can actually get him to sit still for, Baby Einstein

 Dislikes: finger foods, being told no, getting out of the bath

 Most Challenging: It has been difficult on some days keeping Graham entertained.  We go somewhere at least once a day, whether it is the gym, to play with friends, or to run errands.  It has helped just in the past few days that he got some new toys for his birthday so he has played a lot better this week.  

 Looking forward to: Graham's 1st birthday party on Saturday!  We are so excited to do lots of celebrating with our family and friends.  I think Graham will love it - all of his little friends with water toys in the backyard! :)  I'm also excited about getting into our fall schedule next week with music class and Bible study. 

We got caught in a downpour at the park one day!  Summers and I let G and Colton keep on playing, and they LOVED it! :)

My laundry helper, my little shadow, I love having him with me all day wanting to help me with whatever I'm trying to do.  Even if laundry takes 5x as long, we did it together! :)  Now that he's walking, I love having his little feet patter behind me all over the house.

His 1-2-3 Baylor book is his favorite! 

What an amazing little boy God has blessed us with!  It has been a joy seeing him grow and change this year.  His HUGE personality keeps us laughing, AND keeps us on our toes! :) 

We love you, Graham!


  1. I can't believe it has been a year since Graham was born.He has such a sweet and funny personality. I'm so glad that he loves to read. Hitting the back door and wanting to go outside reminds me of his Uncle J. We are looking so forward to coming to Houston for the birthday celebration this weekend! ( And oh dear, that big Ford head strikes again.

  2. yea for 1 year!! note to the wise (that I had to figure out the hard way). You ALWAYS need short sleeves (and sometimes shorts) year round in Texas. I only had long sleeves for Kade last winter and it still gets hot. Get ones that can pair with long sleeve white or gray shirts so even when it is cold you can still use. Or ones that will carry you into the spring :)

  3. What is it with all of our kids and those HEADS!! My goodness! He's a tall boy too! Actually, he's pretty big all around huh? :) Graham has it all, the spunk, the sweet, the sense of adventure... he is a very special little guy! It sure was fun to see him running all over the house last weekend... lots of fun times ahead for all of us!! Tell Mr. Social to have FUN with at his PARTY!!! Can't wait to see pics!! Love y'all!!
