Saturday, May 31, 2014

21 Months close to 2!  What a fun age this is!

 Stats: Thankfully we haven't been to the dr. since his 18 month check-up so I don't know exact.  I would guess he's about 29 or 30 lbs and at least 34 inches tall.  He's a chunk!  He has 12 teeth, with 2 more SLOWLY making their way in.  They've given us fits and have been worse than any of his other ones!

 Milestones: Graham is talking up a storm!  Just in the last week or two everything is in two and three word phrases.  And I think he's pretty clear and can understand him easily, and other people are starting to be able to more and more.  He is putting a name with everything.  For example: mama's shoes, Grace's house, dada's car, love you mama, thank you nana, red truck - just to name a few.  I love having conversations with him all day long!  Until he gets stuck on the same thing and repeats it over and over! :)  He is also learning how to take his clothes off, which is all fun and good, until he starts to take his diaper off as well!  We are working on counting and colors - he knows lots of colors, just doesn't always get them right!  As for counting, I can start off with one, and he'll say two and then run off and hide because he thinks we're playing hide and seek! :) 

 Personality: Graham is the happiest, most easy going little boy!  He loves to be on the go and with friends all of the time!  He just loves life and has a joy that is contagious.  We talk and laugh together all day long!  He loves to make other people laugh, and he often cracks himself up!  Lately he has been a very good listener and very obedient.  We definitely have a few time outs here and there, but for the most part he is easy to correct.  Occasionally he will throw himself on the ground while fake crying, but I just ignore him and walk away, and that usually stops it pretty quickly!  In the last few weeks, Graham has been clingier to me and shown some separation anxiety.  He's cried some when dropping off at church, at the gym, at nap, and at night.  It's so hard seeing him cry, but the workers at church always tell me that as soon as I walk away, he stops - that stinker!  He just likes to put on a show!

 Sleep: Naps have been a battle for the past few weeks.  But I think we're finally getting through the worst of it.  Right now he'll go to sleep pretty easily in his crib about 1:00, sleep for about an hour before screaming and crying, and then he'll sleep for about 2 more hours on me.  I'm able to get done what I need to in the first hour, and then it's nice because I have to sit and rest while he's napping with me!  At night he sleeps from about 8:30-6:30.  He's ready to go as soon as he wakes up in the morning!

 Clothes: Graham wears 2T in everything.  The shorts a little big, but he needs the length in the shirts.  He wears a size 7 shoes, and a size 4 diaper, 5 at night.  

 Food: Graham loves bananas, goldfish, grilled cheese, cinnamon rolls, black beans, corn, sweet potatoes, cheese quesadillas, mac n cheese, muffins, pudding, cookies, applesauce, french fries, yogurt, cheese, ritz crackers, ice cream, and turkey.  I can't get him to eat many fruits or veggies so he still gets pouches about twice a day!  Some days he'll hardly eat anything and others I can't seem to fill him up!

 Likes: playing hide-n-seek (he's actually really good at it!), being outside, playing with friends, playdoh, being rough with Dada, his cousins, water/swimming/bath, all things truck, Elmo and Big Bird, watching sports with Trent on TV, dancing and singing - favorites are Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes, If You're Happy and You Know It, Wheels on the Bus

 Dislikes: being told no, sharing toys - a work in progress!  Grace was over last week, he yanked a toy from her, and said thank you!

 Looking forward to: I'm excited about these next couple of months with just me and Graham before he starts MDO and baby brother comes.  I LOVE our days together, and we just have so much fun!  I know I need to soak it up and enjoy having him as an only child.

Another haircut to tame the curls!

He loves going for walks in his car!

I think this picture just about sums it up!
Love you, Graham!


  1. Catching up! You and G-Dawg have the most fun! He is a spunky little dude who does love life! You are doing a great job with him... can't wait to watch him become a big bro! PS: You are looking great... love that papaya! :)

  2. I love all his great faces! He is such a happy boy! That last picture is so Graham! Love him!
