Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Weekend Wrap-up

This weekend we headed north to spend time with the extended Cox family!  It had been way too long since we were last all together.  My aunt and uncle JUST finished putting in a pool at their house, so we decided a weekend there in the country swimming, fishing, eating, 4-wheeler riding, etc. was just what we needed!

I only have one pic from Saturday because we were in and out of the pool, playing outside, fishing, riding golf carts all over the property....so it just wasn't convenient to keep my phone with me!  Thankfully we have this cute pic from Aunt Katie's phone!

On Sunday morning we all met up at Cracker Barrel for a yummy breakfast before hitting the road to head home.  I love all of the pics we took on the porch!

 Love them! :)

 Graham and Uncle J!

 Grandma and 4 of the 6 cousins!

 Grandma and her 3 great grands!  LOVE this pic!

 All of the "kids"!

 And our side of the Cox family!

 Bop and Graham in their matching shoes!

Sweet Mary and Caden!

 My sweet G and his muscle shirt!  Ha we loved seeing his farmers tan!

Graham and I hit up an awesome sale at Carter's on Sunday evening!  This is half of what I got....all for $4 and $5 each!  These are all 18 month clothes for the winter...can't believe Graham will ever be big enough to wear these!

It was such a good weekend spending quality time with family, there's nothing like it!  I'm thankful we were all able to take time out of our busy schedules to make this weekend happen.  We are very blessed!


  1. Okay so I didn't realize it until I looked y'all when you were taking the "original cousins" pic... you are so a Cox! You, Mary and Garrett look so much like!! SO funny... pretty dark haired Coxes!! What a fun weekend!

  2. It was such a fun weekend getting everyone together! I'm so glad yall were able to make the trip.
