Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Easter Weekend

We were looking forward to a 3 day weekend celebrating our Risen Savior.  
Friday started off with me and Trent at the golf tournament.  We LOVE to go, and we were thankful our babysitter could come on her day off from school to watch the boys.  It was so nice and relaxing and quiet on the course!

We made a trip to Lowe's that evening for lots of landscaping supplies.

And then had pizza for dinner!

And ice cream for dessert!

After soccer class on Saturday morning, Trent and his little helper got busy!

B and I did some shopping and then came back and supervised!

Taking a break to ride his bike.

After naps, Graham and I got busy making cookies and cupcakes for dessert on Sunday.

His favorite part...

And then we played outside, ate dinner, and went on a walk.

Bennett loved his first wagon ride!  Both boys just kept giggling the whole time.  It was so cute!

The Easter bunny came Saturday night!

My sweet Bennett, sitting up so big checking out his goodies!

G LOVES his new trucks!

Too cool!

We went to church and brunch with our good friends the Williams.  And then back to our house to hunt Easter eggs and have dessert.

Family pic!

Ready to hunt!  They were just as excited even though we had to do it inside because of the rain.

And after naps, we dyed Easter eggs...a little late but that's okay!

Bennett wasn't too interested!

What a wonderful weekend with my boys!

1 comment:

  1. Such a wonderful weekend and so many fun things! Love the picture of Bennett and his sunglasses! I need Trent's helper to come help me in the yard. What a fun wagon ride for the boys. Such a pretty family picture!
