Sunday, April 19, 2015

Bennett at 7 Months

Wow...7 months!!  This sweet boy brings so much joy and laughter to our family.  He is bursting at the seams with personality and is just the happiest and sweetest baby!  We are so thankful for him!

Stats: Weight 23 lbs 3 oz 99%
Height 29 1/2 in 99%
Head Circ 18 1/4 99%
(from 6 month appt on 3/24)

Eating: Bennett eats a 6-7 oz bottle at 8:30, 12:30, 4:30, and 7:30.  And he still wakes up once during the night to eat, usually between 3-5.  He eats a fruit or oatmeal at 7:30, veggie at 12:00, and veggie at 6:30. 

Personality: Bennett is Mr. Social.  He loves to talk and smile at anybody who will pay attention to him!  He is so easy going, happy, and sweet just about all of the time!  The 5-6 o'clock hour can still be rough some nights.  And now that he's sitting up he loves to just watch everything that is going on around him, but mostly laugh at his brother!  He and Graham are interacting and "playing" so much together, and it has been so neat watching their relationship.  Graham loves that he makes Bennett laugh and squeal.  

Sleeping: At night Bennett sleeps from 7:30pm - 7:00 am.  He takes a morning nap at 9ish for about an hour and a half.  And his afternoon nap is about 1:30-4.  This month he has become a tummy sleeper.  He sometimes starts out on his back or side, but he always ends up on his tummy.  I also gave him a lovie this month, and it's so cute watching him hold it while he's sleeping.  

Likes: Graham, toys that make noise, being outside, talking and laughing, Praise Baby DVDs, swinging, singing, bath time, sitting up and watching, remote control, my keys

Dislikes: having his nose wiped, taking medicine, being put in his carseat but he likes it once the car starts moving

Milestones: He is officially a sitter!  I can leave him by himself without worrying about it.  He still occasionally has a face plant or falls backwards, but he's gotten so much better just in the last few days.  And he's figured out how to gracefully get to his belly from the sitting position.  
Bennett had another ear infection last week.  
I keep thinking he is going to take off crawling any day.  He can army crawl across a room and get a toy that he wants, but on all fours he just rocks back and forth and then kind of lunges forward.  We've had quite a few carpet burns on his face!
Also Bennett stayed with Nana and Bop for the first time for 3 nights - we all survived and did great!

Clothes: Bennett wears 9 month clothes in everything.  He's in size 4 diapers, both regular and overnight.  

Favorite Moments: This is such a fun stage, and I love that he can play and explore so much more now that he's sitting up.  Also it has brought tears to my eyes multiple times watching him and Graham play together.  Graham has been so sweet to him and loves to make him laugh!

Looking forward to: nothing in particular, just enjoying these sweet days with my boys!

You just think Bennett is smiling really big at you until you see the way he smiles at Trent!  He LOVES his daddy! :)

Oh sweet B, we love you so much!

1 comment:

  1. We enjoyed having him with us so much! His smile and happiness melts me! Love him!
