Saturday, April 18, 2015

Cousin Fun

On Wednesday we set out on another fun adventure!  This time our destination was Georgetown to see our cousins for a few days!

 It's not a road trip until you stop at Sonic!

 Caden feeding B when we got there!

 We loaded up all 4 crazies to go to Awanas at church.

 B loved watching the big kids!

 Pancakes for breakfast on Thursday morning!

 And a big treat for all of us - having lunch with Caden at school!  I can't believe he's almost a big 1st grader!

 Being an aunt is the best!

 Love this girl!  Poor Kaki has to put up with all of the boys!

 Aunt Katie and B, who is too busy watching the big kids!

 Kaki and Graham "sharing" - G following her around waiting for the second she took her hands off so he could take it! :)

 Ready for some dinner!

 Scooter and stroller races might have taken place in the house to get us through the 5:00 hour.  Oh and some wine of course!

 Playing on Friday morning before we headed home.

 Happy B!

Not even 5 minutes after we left...he even slept through me stopping for lunch!
Playing with cousins is exhausting!

Such a fun trip and sweet visit with our cousins!  We can't wait until Cousins Camp in June!  

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