Thursday, April 24, 2014

Waco Fun!

This week Graham and I went to Waco to play for a few days!  And we were so excited that the cousins and Aunt Katie would be there too!

 G's reaction at dinner on Monday when I told him we were going on Tuesday morning! :)

 Somebody was excited!

 And figured he needed to rest up to keep up with his cousins!

 They were so excited to see each other!  We ate a quick lunch and then headed to the zoo!

Sweet boys!

 We all got tired and hot!

 Taking a break to play Ring Around the Rosey!

 Love these 3!

After the zoo we hit up Sonic happy hour to cool off and then went to visit Bop at school.  Somehow, all 3 kiddos found some energy to run in the gym and play for an hour!

 They love each other so much!

We said goodbye to the cousins, and Bop and Graham headed to the pond to catch some fish!

 G was more interested in the quacks quacks!

 And then he started swinging his pole like a bat.  So needless to say, we came home empty handed! :)

We started off Wednesday morning at my favorite place - Cafe Cappuccino!!!  And Graham decided he needed a second breakfast and downed a whole kids size pancake.  He knows what's good!

 That morning he woke up with completely straight was crazy!  Throughout the day the curls slowly came back, thankfully!

Then we went to Mayborn, and Graham had so much fun playing!  Last time he was there he wasn't walking yet, so it was a completely different experience!

 He could've played in the bus all day if we had let him!  He sang Wheels on the Bus multiple times! :)

 And of course he loved the choo choos!

 Playing the piano!

 A tea party with Nana!

 Relaxing after a fun and busy morning!

During nap time, I was able to sneak away and get a mani and pedi...thanks Nana for supervising nap! :)

We then went and took bluebonnet pics, but those need a post of their one so stay tuned!  After that we met Bop for dinner at George's!  And then topped it off with dessert at 3 Spoons!  YUMMY!

We took it easy this morning and just played at the house!

 He loves the recorder!

 And stickers!

We then went to visit Bop at school!

 Looking concerned that he's in the principal's office...

 But it's just Bop!

After lunch at McAlister's, we loaded up and hit the road.  This is what I saw not even 5 minutes after leaving...

 And he slept about an hour and 45 minutes!

 And read books the rest of the way after he woke up.  Such a good traveler!

Thanks Nana and Bop for spoiling us and loving us this week!  We had such a great visit, and you officially wore G out! :)


  1. This was a great week! It was fun having all the kids together at the zoo. Thanks for coming to spend some time with us. I'm glad Graham is tired because I know I am.Great days and memories!

  2. Oh my goodness! Such a great set of pictures... y'all were BUSY after we left... I'm glad we came home or I'd be feeling like G and Nana ;) I LOVE his straight hair... he looks so different... so old and handsome... that boy! He's as sweet as he could be!
