Monday, November 11, 2013

My Poor Baby

So a couple of weeks ago Graham came down with an awful virus that turned into a double ear infection and ruptured ear drum.  He was so pitiful, and it was awful seeing him feel so bad.  I was so thankful when he got back to his crazy busy self after about 10 days of being sick.  It was a long week for all of us, as he was up multiple times during the night, sometimes for 2 or 3 hours.  It was worse than his newborn days!  But we all survived!  Here's hoping to not being sick again anytime soon!

 The first afternoon that he woke up from his nap with a 103.8 temperature.

 He perked up a little bit so we were able to go on a walk that evening.

On Saturday morning he woke up feeling and acting so much better, and we thought the worst of it was behind us.
We played outside...

He helped Daddy water plants...

And in the yard...

 Danced and played with toys...

 And then his fever came back that

 Napping on Sunday morning after a  LONG night, one where I really thought I might be pulling an all-nighter...

 A little better on Sunday afternoon.

 And at the Dr. on Monday morning, only to be told it was a nasty virus and there was nothing he could do to help him.

 Here's what Graham thought about being sick!

 Fever spiked again on Tuesday...this was probably the worst day.

 And Wednesday morning was pretty bad too.

 And then he woke up like nothing was wrong and started playing!  I really think this was when his ear drum ruptured and he felt so much better.

 So we made a quick trip to HEB so we would have some food in the house!

 But then his fever spiked again that evening. :(

So back to the Dr. on Thursday morning and found out the virus turned into the double ear infection and rupture.  I was at least thankful he could get antibiotics and ear drops to help!

 Going to the Dr. in the monsoon - he had a towel over his head that he pulled off right before this picture!

My sweet pumpkin finally feeling better!  


  1. Oh, bless his heart! I'm glad he's feeling better!

  2. Poor Graham! Some of those pictures were really sad! I'm glad he is better! Loved his face about his thoughts on being sick!
