Monday, March 16, 2015

Weekend Wrap-up

A crazy Friday night for us - this crazy boy, some yummy Mexican food, and watching Baylor basketball!

On Saturday morning, Graham and Trent went and picked up Starbucks for breakfast!  They then went to Graham's soccer class while Bennett and I hung out at home!

Trent and I then switched kids, and Graham and I headed to Ellie's 1st birthday party!  The ladybug theme was so cute and we were so excited to celebrate her!

G loved the cupcakes of course!

Hanging out at lunch!

Happy boy!

That afternoon our babysitter came at 3:00 so Trent and I could go to the rodeo!  One of his clients gave him tickets for a suite.  Besides how awful the parking, traffic, and crowds were, we had a great time.  We always enjoy some time just the 2 of us!

We stopped at Raven Grill, one of my VERY faves on the way home for drinks and dessert - a perfect ending to the night!

My view walking into church on Sunday morning!

Playing outside before nap time!

G ran a few errands with me that afternoon.

This sweet one is so close to sitting up!  Sumo baby! :)

Last night I got together with some of my besties to celebrate birthdays!

The birthday girls - Crystal and Jennifer

The 5 of us - love these sweet friends so much!

Happy Monday!

1 comment:

  1. Bennett is getting so active. I loved the pictures of Graham with the sounds like you had a fun date at the rodeo.
