Thursday, March 19, 2015

Bennett at 6 Months

Half a year already?!  I can't believe it!  6 months is such a fun age, and we are loving every second with our sweet Bennett. 

 Stats: We don't go to the Dr. until Tuesday (I scheduled it for when Graham will be in school!)

 Eating: Bennett eats a 6 oz bottle at 7:00 am, 10:00, 1:00, 4:15, and 7:15.  Most nights he wakes up between 4 and 5 to eat.  There have been a few nights where he's slept through.  We did drop the 10:00 pm feeding this month.  Just this past weekend we started baby food.  So far he's had sweet potatoes and carrots and loves them both!

 Personality: He is just the sweetest and happiest baby I've ever seen!  He loves to smile and "talk" to anybody who will pay attention to him.  Bennett likes to be in the middle of the action, sitting up, and seeing everything that's going on.  He sure has found his voice and insists on being heard!  He knows he has to compete with big brother! :)

 Sleeping: Bennett wakes up between 6:30-7 in the mornings.  He usually takes two 30 minute catnaps in the mornings.  The first one is at home, and the second one is usually in the car.  In the afternoons he naps from 1-4ish.  And he goes to bed at 7:30.  Most often when he wakes up to eat at night, he goes right back to sleep.

 Likes: baths, eating, watching his brother, toys that make noise or play music, his toes, Mickey, his exersaucer and jumper, being outside, standing and bouncing, singing

Dislikes: having his nose wiped, pulling clothes over his eyes when they get stuck a little bit, when nobody is paying attention to him

 Milestones: Bennett got his bottom two teeth this month!  It was a rough few days with fussiness, drooling, a fever, red cheeks, and lots of chewing.  Bennett is getting up on all fours and rocking back and forth.  He mainly just goes backwards, but sometimes he'll lunge forward and bury his head on the floor to move forward.  Yesterday he inched backwards and managed to get his legs stuck under the TV cabinet!  His hair is crazy curly and getting more and more red.  I can't believe I have two boys with curly hair!  Bennett is SO close to sitting up!  I bet he'll have it mastered in the next week or two.  

 Clothes: Bennett is wearing 6 month and 6-9 month clothes.  He's still able to wear all of Graham's hand me downs which is great!  He's in size 4 diapers.

 Favorite Moments: I just love seeing his personality emerge.  He is always up for the next adventure!  It is so neat watching him explore and experience new things.  

 Looking forward to: I honestly can't think of anything in particular.  We are just in a really good routine right now with both boys, and I'm excited about some warmer weather where we can play outside and make lots of fun family memories!

 We moved him to a new carseat this week, and it's safe to say he loves it! 

 His daddy is probably his favorite person!  His face just lights up when he sees him!

 Those thighs!

 So close to sitting up!

 Brothers in the tub for the first time!

 My HEB shopping buddies!

I could kiss those cheeks all day!


  1. Sweet, happy Bennett! His personality is great. He enjoys everything. He has the best smiles.

  2. He is so squeezable!!! You are such a great mommy!
