Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Weekend Wrap-up

Busy busy busy - that describes our weekend!  But it was so much fun!

We started off on Friday having Grace and Stephanie over to play, eat pizza, and cheer for our Bears!  Stephanie and I were hoping the kids would occupy each other so we could actually watch the game - it mostly worked!

 Playing on the patio Friday afternoon watching basketball and waiting for Trent to get home!  We grilled out and went to bed early to get ready for day on Saturday.

I hosted a baby shower for one of my besties, Joanna, on Saturday morning.  We are so excited for their family and cannot wait to meet their sweet baby boy!  It was such a sweet time celebrating this miracle!

The boys ran errands that morning and then we had a few hours to nap and relax.  Except Graham didn't get the memo to nap...

 NOT napping at 2:00 when you should be...

 Leads to this at 4:00!

Aunt Kelsey came into town, and we treated ourselves to manis and pedis!  What a treat!  That evening Trent and I had a wedding to attend for a friend of his through work.  It's so fun getting dressed up and enjoying a night out!  Graham didn't even miss us because he was having too much fun with Aunt Kelsey!

 My date and me! :)

Sunday was church, brunch, and naps.  Trent made the road trip to San Antonio with our friend Chris to cheer for the Bears!  They're Sweet Sixteen bound!  We can't wait to cheer for them some more this weekend!

Graham took a good 2 hour nap, thankfully, and then continued napping on me for another hour and a half!  We made a quick trip to HEB, had dinner, and cheered for the Bears!

What a wonderful weekend!


  1. Sounds like a great weekend! Love the picture of you and Graham in bed "napping."
    Sic'em bears!

  2. I am jealous... he napped on you for an hour and a half... nothing better!! Therapy! Love that dress... think you should live it! :) Fun weekend!
