Monday, February 24, 2014

Lots of Fun!

This past week we were so thankful for warmer weather so we could get outside and play and make lots of trips to the park.  

 When did my baby get so big?!

 Sweet boy reading books one morning while I finished getting ready!

 Hamburger and ice cream lunch date with Grace one day!  
And we were trying so hard to get both kids to smile that we didn't notice Grace wiping her spoon on her foot! Oops! :)

 Snacks and swinging one afternoon!

 Sticker fun!

 Real life.  G practiced this a lot last week! :)

 "Hiding" from me!

 Bounce house fun with our playgroup!

 Sweet Libby!

 Dinner and dessert date with Grace and Stephanie one evening while the daddy's worked late and were out of town!

 They love each other so much!

 And again...

 Park fun on Friday afternoon!

That evening we ordered pizza and watched the olympics and were so glad it was the weekend!

On Saturday morning, I hosted a shower for Stephanie.  It was such a sweet time celebrating her and Baby James.

 And this is the only picture I got!  Oops!

Trent and Graham ran errands that morning and brought home lunch for all of us.  We learned a new trick to get G to eat what we wanted him too - let him dip it in ketchup! :)

On Saturday evening we sat outside on the patio by the fire pit!  We got it for Christmas LAST year, and it finally got put together this weekend!  It was the perfect night to enjoy it!

 My cute boy in a new sweater for church.

 Eating sweet potatoes with a fork - way less messy than using a spoon!

On Sunday afternoon, I had a baby shower to attend so after his nap, Trent took Graham to the middle school in our neighborhood to run around.  Trent said he ran almost an entire lap on the track, bounced on the high jump mat, ran through these people playing basketball, and played in the soccer goals.  He came home so sweaty and worn out!

 More sticker fun!

 Breakfast for dinner to end a wonderful weekend!

All of this fun sure wears a guy out! :)

Happy Monday!


  1. I'm so glad yall had a great weekend. Graham is all boy and loves his outside time. It looked like he spent some time on the ground this week. Cute pictures!

  2. Personally LOVE the way he hides from you... hilarious!!! SO so cute!! He also has quite the BOD... love his little muscles!!
