Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Catching Up

Lots to catch up on!  We've been busy around here!  Beware - picture overload!

 Fun at the bounce house place with Grace on one of the really cold days!

 We turned Graham's carseat around!  He wasn't sure what to think at first!  But he LOVES it!  He points out every single truck that we pass.

 My boys waiting at dinner one Friday night with friends!

 Last weekend we went to Waco to celebrate Bop's birthday!  G was resting up on the way there!

 Helping Bop open presents!

 And enjoying the yummy cupcakes!

 The boys playing t-ball inside that evening!

 Playing outside!

 He loved his Valentine's hat that he made at church last Tuesday during Bible study!

 Sweet cuddles and smiles at the end of a long day!

 Thankful for sunshine, warmer weather, and a fun day at the zoo planned!

 Riding the choo-choo!

 Snacks in hand, ready to explore!

 A 6 day old baby elephant.  It was so cute!

 Graham and Grace - trouble!

 Lunch break!

 G and the bears!

 And a stop at the chocolate bar for an afternoon snack on our way home!

Graham woke up on Valentine's morning with lots of congestion and a slight fever.  The Dr. wanted to go ahead and check him out since he'd been congested off and on for 3 weeks now.  It was just a yucky virus with spots on his throat and a little fluid on his ears.  Poor baby!

 Worn out after screaming the ENTIRE time the Dr. was in the room.  It was awesome.

 Playing with his new remote control helicopter!

 I figured he needed his first milkshake to make his throat feel better!

 My boys grilled out steaks, asparagus, and potatoes on Friday evening!  It was a nice, quiet night at home.  We watched Captain Phillips after Graham went to bed, and I would highly recommend it!

 On Saturday morning, Trent cleaned out the garage while Graham and I sat in the sunshine, ate snacks, and supervised! :)

On Saturday evening, Trent and I enjoyed a night out!  We had dinner at Reef - yummy grilled red fish, crab cakes, and fried mac n cheese!  And dessert was cupcakes at Crave!
But of course I didn't get one single picture of us!

 We tried to get a pic of Graham, Libby, and Nora before music class yesterday, but both girls bailed before we could take it!  G is wondering where they went!

 Dinner on the patio, loving this weather!

 His new obsession, stickers, which I find all over the house!

 We were playing hide and seek this morning, and I went into the guest room to find Graham just like this!  Ha where's Graham?!

Sweet sleepy boy!  Now that he's turned around, we get lots of sleepy pictures when he takes a cat nap every morning while we're out!

Phew, I think that's it!  Hope you're having a great week!


  1. Y'all have been busy! What fun! Sorry that little man was sick but SO glad he got his first milkshake... AWESOME!!! :) He looks SO BIG in his car seat... turning around is awesome!! welcome to the big boy world, G!

  2. So many good pictures of Graham! I love to play hide and seek with that boy!
