Monday, July 1, 2013

10 Months

Happy 10 months to sweet Graham!  What a fun month it has been!  
PS. Pictures were almost impossible this month! :)

 Stats: Thankfully, we didn't have to go to the Dr. this month!  I definitely think Graham has gained a little more weight since his 9 month appointment.  

 Milestones: Graham is SO CLOSE to walking!  He is taking a few steps between toys and will also do it between me and Trent with our arms stretched out.  He is trying so hard!  His balance has gotten a ton better this month.  He walks his walker ALL OVER the house.  It is not usual to start in the playroom, circle through the kitchen, and head down the hall to our room at the back of the house.  And then back again!  Graham stands on his own for long periods of time now like it's nothing!  He can even squat to sit out of that position instead of just falling down.  Last month he was saying Dada all the time to Trent, but now he just says Mama! :)  And I love it! :)  But of course it is usually when he is upset or wants something, but I don't care!  He waves at anything and everything, claps for himself, and bounces/dances.  He also got his 4th tooth at the beginning of the month, 2 on top and 2 on bottom.

 Behavior: One word - BUSY.  But at the same time, he is the most easy-going, laid back little boy.  It is such a great combination!  He is constantly exploring and learning.  He plays more with things around the house than his own toys right now.  Graham has experienced a little separation anxiety this month.  He has cried a few times when dropping him off at the gym, at church, etc.  But he LOVES playing with his friends, and the nursery workers just tell me how social and happy he is!  We did lots of travelling this month, and, of course, Graham was so adaptable to the car rides and throwing his schedule off.  

 Sleep: He is still on a great schedule!  Nothing has changed...goes down between 8 and 8:30, sleeps until about 6, has a bottle, and goes back to sleep until about 8:00.  His morning nap is about 10:30, and he sleeps for an hour - an hour and a half.  His afternoon nap is about 2:30, and he sleeps for an hour and a half - two hours.  

 Clothes: Graham is wearing 6-12 month clothes, and some 12 months.  He finally outgrew his 9 month onesies.  But his 9 month pajamas still fit great.  I stocked up recently on 12 and 18 month clothes for the fall and winter.  

 Food: We transitioned to 4 bottles at the beginning of the month.  He eats at 6:00, 10:30, 2:30, and 7:30.  Breakfast is at 9ish, lunch at 1ish, and dinner at 6:30 or 7, whenever Trent gets home from work.  We have introduced some new foods this month.  He LOVES yogurt, applesauce, and black beans.  He liked avocado for a few days, but then decided he didn't, as well as mashed potatoes.  And of course he still loves his baby food.  

 Likes: bath time - we started putting him straight in the tub on a bath mat and he just crawls back and forth and does laps the whole time!, being mobile - getting into everything, swimming, playing with friends, the fountain at church, singing songs, Baby Einstein, playing with his cousins, opening drawers and cabinets and pulling stuff out of them, walking with his walker, talking and shrieking, being outside

 Dislikes: getting out of the bath tub, being restrained, his exersaucer - time to put it away unfortunately, having his face and nose wiped

 Favorite Moment: We loved celebrating Trent on Father's Day weekend!  And this month I have just enjoyed sitting back and watching Graham explore and learn so many new things.  He plays independently so well.  I've also loved our "summer" schedule - travelling, swimming, lots of play dates, etc.

 Most Challenging: Getting Graham to eat some finger foods and some thicker, more textured foods has been a challenge.  He is Mr. Dramatic!  He makes himself gag, spit up, choke, etc, and it is not fun to watch!  So we are still on easier foods for him to eat, and I know we will move to finger foods eventually!

 Looking forward to: I'm in the beginning planning stages for Graham's first birthday party!  How is that possible?!  I'm excited to celebrate my sweet boy and his first year of life!  But I've gotta get busy...we have a busy few weeks coming up, and then it'll be August before I know crazy!  We are also looking forward to the Annual Cox Family Vacay in Port A...Graham will be all over the beach trying to keep up with his cousins!

Oh, how we love him!  Graham makes us laugh all the time...his personality is hilarious!  We've loved watching him grow and develop this month.  We are so blessed by this precious boy of ours!


  1. The last two posts are cracking me up... girl, you are going to be one busy lady!! :) He is growing up so fast... and he really is such a good natured and flexible little guy... always happy! You forgot to mention how he likes the same music as his Daddy... ahem! :) Love that little curly headed G-Dawg!! Happy 10 Months!!

  2. Wow! 10 months! I can't believe it is time to think about his birthday! He is so funny! So fun that he is on the move and exploring everything!

  3. He reminds me so much of Abigail running around at that age... Especially the bath tub part!!!
