4 months! A little late to post, but I was waiting on his stats from the doctor.
Stats: 14lbs 8 oz 25%
26 1/2 in 93%
16 3/4 in head 73%
Long and lean little boy!
Eating: Parker is drinking 4-5 oz bottles at 7:30, 10:30, 1:00, 4:00, 6:30, and 9:30. And also about 4:00 in the morning.
Personality: He is the sweetest, most easy going, flexible baby ever! Parker is always so happy and smiley. He loves to "talk" and laugh at whoever will pay attention to him.
Sleeping: Parker started sleeping in his crib right after he turned 3 months old. He's done awesome! He always goes right to sleep with no crying or fussing. He naps about 9:00 and 11:00 for 30 minutes each. And then I put him back down for a nap about 1:30. Some days he has no problem sleeping for 2 hours, but other days he struggles getting past the 45 minute mark. He also takes his evening nap about 5:30. I love this one because I can get dinner made while he naps! He goes to bed about 7:45 or 8 at night.
Likes: watching his brothers, blowing bubbles, talking and smiling, baths, rolling over, his bouncer, being outside, standing up
Dislikes: when the car stops, being kept up past his nap time - and that's seriously about all!
Milestones: sleeping in his crib, holding rattles and toys, standing up, big belly laughs, being left at the grandparents' house for 3 nights, going to Sea World
Clothes: Parker is wearing 3-6 month and 6 month clothes. I had to pack away all of his 3 month pajamas because they were just too short! He's wearing size 2 diapers and size 3 overnights.
Favorite Moment: Parker is so quick to smile and laugh at everybody! I love seeing his personality start to show. He's so happy just watching his brothers play and be crazy all around him.
Looking forward to: Going on our first vacation as a family of 5! It will be Parker's first airplane ride.
We love you sweet Parker!
Sweet, happy Parker. His dislikes, when the car stops. That is funny for sure. He definitely doesn't like that. I love to hear him talk and laugh.