Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Parker at 2 Months

Two whole months!  This month was a month of survival.  Parker was diagnosed with colic when he was 6 weeks old.  For about 4 weeks the hours of 5-9 in the evenings were mostly filled with screaming and crying.  The time slowly got shorter and shorter, and now most evenings are great!  
We used Gerber Soothe Colic drops, and I really think they helped.  Or maybe it was a combination of those and we figured out a few things that helped manage the colic as time went on.
Thankfully his days and nights have been great through all of this!  

Stats: 10 lb 15 oz 19%
23 1/2 in 72%
Head: 15 1/4 in 38%
He had a perfect check up at the dr this morning!

Eating: Parker is a great eater!  Nursing is still going really well.  He eats about 7:45 am, 10:30, 1:00, 4:00, 6:30, 9:30, 1:30, and 4:30.  I top him off with an ounce or two of formula at his last two feedings of the day to help him go longer at night.

Personality: Sweet as can be during the day!  Our evenings brought out a different baby!  He would scream and kick and turn bright red.  Nothing would soothe him.  He loves to interact with people and has gotten really alert in the last few weeks.  He flashes his sweet smile, and I just melt!

Sleeping: He is asleep by 10 at night and sleeps until 1:30 or 2.  He's only awake to eat during the night for about 20 minutes and then goes right back to sleep.  He eats again about 4:30ish.  I have to wake him up at 7:45 in the mornings to feed him and give him some awake time before we take the big boys to school.  He takes his good morning nap in the carseat from 9-10:30, and it gives me time to get errands done.  He takes a cat nap about 11:30.  I do his nighttime routine at his 1:00 feeding so that he and Bennett take a good long afternoon nap at the same time.  He then takes another cat nap or two during the evenings and is ready to be swaddled and put down about 8:00.  He LOVES his swaddle, with a paci, and in his rock and play.

Likes: being outside, swaddle, bouncer, lights and fans, playmat, baths, sound machine, swing, being on the go

Dislikes: being put down in the evenings, stopping in the car, getting out of the bath

Milestones: Parker started smiling very frequently about 10 days ago!  It is the sweetest thing, and his whole face lights up.  He has the cutest dimples!  He is also cooing and talking more and more.  

Clothes: He is wearing 0-3 month and 3 month clothes.  Size 1 diapers.

Favorite Moments: I love his sweet smile!  I also love seeing the big boys become more interested in him.  I think this will increase even more as Parker begins to smile and laugh at them.

Looking forward to: Longer stretches at night!  More talking and smiling and interaction.

He doesn't mind tummy time at all!

He just lays his head down and rests!

He LOVES bath time!

Most evenings this month!

Happy boy at the dr this morning before his shots!

Loves being outside with his crazy brothers running around!

Happy 2 months to our sweet P!

1 comment:

  1. Sweet Parker. We had so much fun with him this weekend. He has grown! I love his smiles and baby talk.
