Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Parker at 1 Month

 Has it really only been a month?!  I feel like Parker has been here a lot longer than that.  This month has gone by fast!  

Stats: My guess is he weighs about 8 1/2 pounds.  I can tell he is putting on weight, but he's definitely not chunky yet!  We don't go back to the dr until his 2 month appointment.

Eating: He has put himself on a schedule since the day we got home from the hospital.  It's been great - nice and predictable!  He eats about 7:30am, 10:30, 1:00, 4:00, 6:30, 9:00, 1:00, and 4:00.

Personality: He's so sweet and easy going.  But he can get mad too and has a very loud scream!  He's gotten to be very alert in the last two weeks and loves to look around and take it all in.  The bouncer is a great place to put him because he can see everything going on around him.

 Sleeping: Parker is asleep about 10 at night, wakes up to eat two times, and thankfully goes right back to sleep.  Our first two nights at home were rough, but then we got it figured out and he's done well since then.  He sleeps in the rock n play by my side of the bed.  We swaddle him in a sleep sack. He has been having good awake time during the day.  He will usually wake up to eat, then be awake for about 30-45 minutes and then is ready for a nap.  In the mornings he naps in his carseat while I take the boys to school and we run a few errands.  Since the day we got home, I've been doing his nighttime routine after his 1:00 feeding.  So he and Bennett have been napping for about 2 hours at the same time.  It's been a huge help so that I can nap too!

Likes: being swaddled, bouncer, swing, lights, sound machine, being outside, baths

Dislikes: getting his diaper changed and having his clothes changed, stopping in the car, being put down in the evenings

Milestones: a lot more alert time, playing on the playmat, giving me some 4 hour stretches at night

Clothes: He is wearing some newborn clothes but mostly 0-3 months.  We just switched to size 1 diapers this week.  They are still pretty big, but the newborn size were just too small.  I love seeing him wear clothes that I remember Graham and Bennett wearing!

 Favorite Moments: The boys have been interested in Parker since the beginning, and each day they show a little more interest.  I've loved seeing them be concerned about him when he's crying or trying to help me when they can.  

Looking forward to: seeing his personality develop more and more

We got out his playmat this week, and he loves it!

Sleeping in the swing

He LOVES getting a bath!

How we all feel about 8:30 at night...

Sweet Parker, you are the perfect addition to our family!  Happy 1 month!


  1. Sweet Parker! He has changed so much. I love his red hair. Poppa is ready to meet him and see the red hair. The second picture is such a cute face. Oh his 8:30 picture is so sad.

  2. Hannah didn't like that time of night either! Right when Kade would go to bed she would start screaming. We eventually just started putting her to bed too
