Friday, March 25, 2016

Bennett at 18 Months

I know everybody says this, but how is it possible my baby is 18 months?!?  A whole year and a half!!  He's definitely in full blown toddler mode, and does everything he can to keep up with big brother!  

Stats: I don't have his official stats.  We are going to the dr next week for his 18 month check up.  He's about 30 pounds and so tall!  He towers over most of the other kids in his nursery class at church.  He's still a chunk, but he's definitely thinned out quite a bit.  Maybe because he RUNS everywhere he goes!

Eating:  Bennett has become such a good eater just in the last 2 months.  He eats a ton, and I often times have to cut him off after 45 minutes or so!  He'll usually eat everything on his plate AND finish Graham's food!  He likes most everything we put in front of him, but his favorites are pancakes, yogurt, ham, turkey, chicken, cheese, bread, applesauce, green beans, pudding, baked beans, pasta, cookies, ice cream, and french fries.  He drinks about 5 oz of milk after every meal.  And he LOVES juice!  He asks for it constantly.

Personality: Oh this crazy boy makes me want to pull my hair out, constantly keeps us laughing, keeps me on my toes, and brings so much JOY!  He absolutely loves life and and has a blast whatever he is doing.  I am so thankful for his happy disposition and easy going personality.  He's fearless, independent, adventurous, social, a climber, quite the charmer - especially when he flashes you his smile after he does something he knows he's not supposed to!  

Sleeping: I'm so thankful for such a good sleeper!  He goes to bed at night between 8-8:30 and sleeps until about 6:45 in the mornings.  He naps from 1:30-4 in the afternoons.  He dropped his morning nap in mid-January.  He still sleeps in a sleep sack and with his pacifier and a few cuddly friends.

Likes: wrestling, reading books, bath time, being outside, music and dancing, trucks, playing with friends, snacks

Dislikes: having Graham take a toy from him, being still, being in car seat for too long

Milestones: Bennett has 12 teeth now.  His 4 one year molars took almost 2 months to come in.  It was rough!  He got tubes right before Christmas, and they have helped so much!  No more ear infections, and he is talking a ton!  I can't even count all of the words that he says.  His favorites and the ones we hear most often are: dada, mama, bubba, snacks, juice, 'side, shoes, uh oh, books, and choo choo.  Just in the last few weeks he has started saying a few two word phrases: bye bye dada, woof woof 'side, all done snacks, thank you.  He knows all of his body parts and quite a few animal sounds.  He runs everywhere!

Clothes: Bennett has been in 2T clothes for awhile now.  He needs it to stay warm outside because all of his pants are becoming high waters!  He wears size 5 diapers and size 7 Wide shoes!

Favorite Moments: I'm just enjoying watching him take everything in and learn something new everyday.  He's such a sponge at this age, and I love seeing how his mind works.  He tries to do everything Graham does, which is both good and bad!  I love seeing their relationship evolve.  I'm loving my days home with my boys seeing both the big and small things. 

Looking forward to: We have lots of fun trips and activities coming up in the next few months once summer gets closer.  I'm also anxious to see Graham and Bennett start to play even better together and their friendship grow.

His cheese face is the best!  We sure do love our Bennett!

1 comment:

  1. Love all the pictures and love that boy! You are so right. He loves life! He sure enjoys all his food. My favorite word he says is shnacks. Love all his faces. The picture with bicycle helmet sitting on his big head is so funny. 18 months, wow!
