Sunday, September 16, 2012

Graham's Arrival

Well here goes on the story of how Graham entered this world...more for me to remember down the road.  I don't want to forget any of the exciting details!

At my 36 week appointment on August 13th I was already 3 centimeters dilated and 80% effaced...a shock to us since we thought we still had plenty of time!  My dr. said I could go into labor any minute.  Well that put us into high gear getting all of the last minute things ready!  I hadn't even considered having an August baby...I thought for sure we would have a September birthday since my due date was the 9th.  I was so determined to make it to September!  On August 20th I was dilated to a 4, and my dr. said she couldn't believe I was still pregnant!  I knew that when I did go into labor, that it would progress quickly, and I was right!

I was taking a nap on the afternoon of the 30th.  I woke up a little before 5:00 drenched in sweat and my water broke as I got out of bed.  Thankfully Trent was about 10 minutes away so he came home to get me.  We headed to the hospital about 5:30, in the middle of rush hour traffic and traffic going to the Texans game, which was right next to the hospital.  So the usual 20 minute trip took us an hour and 10 minutes.  To say it was stressful is an understatement!  It took a little while for my contractions to start, but when they did, it got pretty bad pretty quick.  They were all in my back, and I just couldn't get comfortable in the car.  We FINALLY got to the hospital and in a room in L&D about 7:00.  My nurse casually came in and started all of the millions of questions and all I kept asking was when I could get my epidural!  When she checked me about 7:30, I was already at a 6 and could barely talk because I was in so much pain.  I couldn't believe how bad the contractions were hurting, and they were constant.  I wasn't getting a break between each one.  I then threw up all over the floor...thankfully Trent got out of the way just in time!  By the time the anesthesiologist got there, I was at an 8.  It was 8:45 at this point.  The epidural immediately took affect, and I can't describe the relief I finally felt.  I was so glad to finally have a break and not be in so much pain.  I had visions that I would get my epidural early on and be able to relax and enjoy it for awhile!  Not so hour later I was at a 10 and ready to push.  My parents got there just in time to come in and say hi...and we told them that it wouldn't be long now!  Boy were we wrong...

I was making some progress pushing, but things just weren't moving quickly, especially considering how quickly the labor had progressed.  Long story short, after 3 1/2 hours of pushing, my dr. decided to use forceps to deliver Graham.  I was so exhausted at this point and had no energy left.  And I was so ready to meet my baby!

Graham was born at 1:52 am, and Trent got to announce to the delivery room that it was a boy, and then they placed Graham on my chest.  We were overwhelmed with love and relief that he was finally here!  It was such a special moment with Trent as we got to meet our sweet baby boy.  I will never forget that time together as our family of 3!  They then took Graham to clean him up and check him out.  He was perfect!  Trent texted a picture to our family in the waiting room of just his face and didn't tell them boy or girl yet.  He was then able to go out and tell them in person about 15 minutes later after Graham and I were taken care of.  I wish I could've seen the looks on their faces!  Our family then got to come meet Graham about 45 minutes after he was born.  It was now about 2:30 in the morning.  We were finally moved to my recovery room about 5:30.

My recovery was a lot more painful and slow than I ever thought it would be.  I could barely get around the first 4 or 5 days.  On Friday, they kept my epidural in me so I could get some heavier pain meds, and evidently it made me pretty groggy.  Trent was the absolute best labor coach and was so encouraging all during labor and delivery.  I am now well on the way to complete recovery, and I'm so thankful that I'm feeling so much better!

Enjoy the pictures!


  1. Precious boy! So glad that Graham is a part of our lives now. Beautiful pictures.

  2. NUGGET, NUGGET, NUGGET!! Love him to pieces! How is it possible for a baby who had just gone through 3.5 hours of PUSHING... look that CUTE! Seriously... he is perfect! Can't wait to snuggle with him again soon!! Love you and him and I am P-R-O-U-D of you... you are a great mama! So fun to watch!!

  3. I loved reading your story! We were so close to having the same birthday for our babies. I can't believe you lasted so long without an epidural. He's a precious little boy, and I'm happy for y'all!
