Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Cheers to 2016

After we got home from our Christmas travels, we had nothing planned other than relaxing and taking it easy at home.  Trent played golf one day, we watched our Bears win in the bowl game, we ran some errands, and the boys played with all of their new toys!

On Wednesday and Thursday Bennett was running just a slight fever and was drooling a ton.  I attributed this to his molars that have been giving him such a hard time.  Then on Friday morning spots started showing up around his mouth and on his bottom.  By Friday evening he was very miserable and had more spots by the hour.  I suspected Hand Foot Mouth Disease - yuck!

Cheering for our Bears!

I enjoyed a nice pedicure and my new Kindle on Wednesday - I read 3 whole books last week!

Fire and playing outside Wednesday evening

Date night on NYE!!  We had dinner at State of Grace - AMAZING!!  Then we ended the night at Union Kitchen for a drink and to watch football.  And home by 9:30!  Ha crazy, I know!

Playing with his hot wheels!

Watching my high school band in the Rose Bowl Parade!

 Cuddles with my sweet B

Bennett wasn't eating much because of all the sores in his mouth so we decided we needed chocolate milkshakes from Sonic, Bennett's first - he approved!

Reading books one lazy morning

 Going to the dr on Saturday morning to confirm the diagnosis.

 You can faintly see the spots on his legs

 And his poor face.  It didn't help that he took a hard fall out of the toy shopping cart after he climbed into it and got a big goose egg.  He still has a bruise and bump!

He spent lots of time just cuddling in Trent's lap!

After many restless and fussy nights and lazy days, we decided to get out and enjoy the sunshine on Sunday morning.  We went to a fun train park in Katy.  The boys loved playing!

Playing in the backyard on Sunday evening - he loves his new digger and outfit from Nana and Aunt Katie!

 Looking a little better on Monday morning.

And by Monday afternoon he started acting so much better!  His spots are starting to dry up, but now his hands and feet are peeling.  It is pretty gross!  I'm just so glad he's feeling better, and we all got a much better night's sleep last night!

Swinging at the park on Monday afternoon

And at the ENT this morning for a post-tubes follow up.  His hearing has improved drastically, and everything looked great!

I wore him out running errands after the dr.  We are enjoying some one-on-one time since Graham is back at school!

We are praying we all stay healthy for awhile!

1 comment:

  1. Poor Bennett! I'm sure he has been very uncomfortable. I'm sure yall had a good week with Trent being home for some extra time. Graham is the cutest construction worker I've seen. He is so cute with those goggles.
