Saturday, July 25, 2015

Potty Training

So the time had come for Graham to be potty trained.  He's shown interest in the last few months and has even used the potty several times.  I just needed to carve out a week that we could be home and just knock it out.

 The set-up: wine, M&M's, a treat bucket for peeing, a pile of bigger toys for pooping, and a pile of activities to keep us busy.  And a bottle of resolve and disinfectant wipes!

We woke up on Monday morning ready to go!

 And he went potty twice in the first 20 minutes of being up!  I thought we were off to a good start, but I was trying not to get my hopes up.

 We did stickers...

 We played with playdoh...

We painted...

And he didn't have a single accident until 4:45 that afternoon!!!  He had only been up from his nap for about 20 minutes, was eating his snack, and watching Mickey, and I just think he wasn't fully awake yet.
 I asked him constantly all day if he needed to go, but he was also telling me a lot that he wanted to go sit on the potty.  I didn't have to watch him like a hawk like I thought I would.  
And then at 6:45 that evening, he pooped in the potty!  Huge milestone!
I fully expected to be completely wiped out at the end of the day, especially since Trent had a work dinner and wouldn't be home until after the boys were in bed, but I was pleasantly surprised by how well our day went.  

 Bennett had to play in the pack in play when I had to run with G to the potty - couldn't dare leave him alone without watching him!

He had a couple of accidents the next few days, but nothing major.  And we started venturing out of the house for longer periods of time each day.

 More painting!

 Playing outside.

 And he filled his whole potty chart up so we went to get cupcakes!

Well after that first day he refused to even try and poop on the potty again.  Here we are 3 weeks later, and he has finally started doing it without a problem!

 So that called for a trip to Toys R Us!

And he got to pick out a truck of his choice!  He was so cute looking at all of them and trying to decide what he wanted.  He finally picked a remote control dump truck!
And we were on our way to swim with friends! :)

Graham has had very few accidents these past couple of weeks.  I'm so proud of him, and I'm so glad to be on this side of potty training! :)

1 comment:

  1. Yea for G and you! A huge accomplishment. You had so many good rewards. Oh course he picked out a dump truck.
