Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Parker at 10 Months

How is he 10 months old?!  So close to 1 year!!  

Stats:19 lbs 15 oz
We only have this one because of all of the dr's visits we had to make this month.

Eating: Still on the same schedule!  7 oz bottles at 7:00am, 10, 1:00pm, 4 and 7:00pm.  We've tried table foods a couple of times, but he just gags on it and spits it out...just like Graham and Bennett used to do at this age!

Sleeping: He's still my champion sleeper!  At night he sleeps 7pm-7am.  He naps about 9 in the morning and from 1-3:30 in the afternoons.

Likes: bath, his brothers, being outside, cruising on furniture, making noise, music

Dislikes: getting his diaper changed, his car seat, having a toy taken away from him

Milestones: Parker is now standing on his own!  He's so close to taking a few steps.  He keeps getting more and more brave.  He had two more ear infections this month and is scheduled for tubes on the 15th.  

Clothes: He is wearing mostly 12 month clothes.  Size 4 diapers.

Favorite Moments: I love watching him discover something new everyday.  He is crawling all over the house and loves to find new things to play with.

Looking forward to: Christmas with all 3 boys!  They are at such fun ages for all of the Christmas fun!

Personality: easy going, happy, flexible, social, loves to cuddle, wants to be right in the middle of whatever his brothers are doing

Still all smiles at one of his many dr visits this month!  
We sure do love our sweet Parker!